Questioning My Talk: Transcript Analysis
This was the final assignment I completed in co-curricular course for becoming a consultant at the University Writing Center. In many ways, working here has solidified my desire to help people from a diverse range of backgrounds, learning styles, beliefs, and cultures because we approach each one-on-one session with an open mind and goal for collaborative learning. This piece examines my practices of speech and is useful for understanding when and how key moments of learning happen, or why they don't. This practice helped me become familiar with conducting primary research and using qualitative analysis to find patterns of meaning in my speech.
A Researched Argument about Addiction
As the final assignment of my Argumentative Writing course, I wanted to delve into a topic I knew about only on the surface level, and through research try to understand the issue from every angle as I could. I developed an understanding that, although much of research is based on giving an audience results, it must still be compelling to create action. My only regret with doing this writing was that I wish I could have spent more time on it, I wanted to learn more and give more to my audience. In the future, I see myself writing for social change in this way and hope to continue exploring ways to address the issues that plague our society today.